
Fair Isle & Bryant Park

I can't believe I am still in school right now! I just want to go home, and sleep lots, and eat lots, and hang out with loved ones lots! But instead of all that I have to study...lots. Gruergh! My life until the 14th officially sucks. A bit over dramatic? Nah.
Really, I can not wait for the holiday break, or the holidays in general!
Shown above is a fair isle sweater from J.Crew. I love this pattern. It's my favorite thing to wear during the Christmas season. It's so festive and cozy and just looking at it makes me want to cuddle with the boyfriend by the fireplace, drink hot chocolate, and open presents from under the tree!

But, what's really got me into the Christmas spirit was the trip to the city last Friday for ice skating in Bryant Park! It was a nice place to unwind after a long week, especially since there were so many cute little shops in the park, one of which had the best sweet crepe (bananas, strawberry, nutella, whipped cream) and kettle corn evar! Too bad I completely forgot how to ice skate! I swear I knew how to skate last year! But apparently now I need three teachers to get me to skate semi-properly on my own. Oh well. Hopefully I get better, that way I can teach the boyfriend when we go during break.
Here are some pictures from our trip. Notice I don't have any of the ice skating rink. I was too busy trying not to fall flat on my butt.




Hello from New York! The name is Mar, and with the encouragement of two friends, one who recently made one, and another who's had one for a while, I've decided to grace Blogger, with my terribly unexciting life! You're welcome! 

I am currently listening to one of my favorite MIKA songs whilst procrastinating. I've so much to do, but I feel I've gotten even more lazy since I've come back from Thanksgiving break! It's such a bad thing but I really cannot get myself to concentrate on all the tedious papers I have to do for the week. But in a more optimistic tone, I only have one week left 'til classes are all over! Thus ending my first ever semester in uni!
University has been...interesting to say the least. I feel that I am still getting used to it although I also feel as if I have been here for more than a year! It has also been proven difficult, especially the workload for my major (I thought becoming a Physician Assistant PA would be hard, but not this hard!) Anyway, I know it will all be worth it in the end, especially the finals I'll be taking in a week! Ahhh!
